I am President Fleabag
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

I am President Fleabag

7/28 - The concept for the clothing line is "zebra," ya dig?
7/29 - Tailgating at the big box store in Jacksonville.
8/5 - Marcos and I and one other friend are kidnapped and held hostage by some kind of cult. This is not a good dream.
8/6 - Late for a press conference with the new chancellor, because my skirt keeps changing on me.

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A reckoning
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

A reckoning

When I was 12 and just starting high school, whatever I had written the year before got me put into a "Talented Writers" group. I don’t remember what I wrote in junior high, and I don’t currently have the free time, patience, or neurotic stones to crack open my foot locker to fuck around and find out. I can tell you that the first poem I think I ever wrote went “Candle, candle, made of wax/your flame does flicker/never does it relax,” so I can also tell you that the bar was probably pretty low in the Nassau County Public School system to get one classified as “talented,” and therefore suitable for this proto-writers workshop that allowed some lucky English teacher to try and get kids from all four grades to act like we were in an MFA cohort. 

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Dear Fern.
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

Dear Fern.

This month I went to see that singer who we loved so much in our youth. I have kept up with him since, because he has kept up without trying too hard, not striving, burning out or getting buff or disappointing us all like so many others. No, he hasn’t gone that route. He has held onto his paisley and stayed unutterably himself, his words getting slightly less weird, slightly more silly (like, every fifth song now is about balloons, whereas that used to be way rarer) still just as twisty-turny but nevertheless ever-earnest.

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Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem


This month, my 15-years-old-or-so dog started wearing diapers. He was just peeing inside too much — usually in the only room of the apartment with carpet, but lately in the various doggie beds that we have scattered throughout the place so he doesn’t have to try and get onto the couches or person beds. Henry has always had a bad leg, his arthritis has been getting bad for years, and getting up and down the stairs to the backyard is now a struggle most of the time. So I got him cloth diapers — they are called “pee bands” but we call them “penis belts” — to save stress and money on carpet spray. Plus, it’s the holiday season, and I am tired of my home smelling like piss.

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I'm in training, but for what?
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

I'm in training, but for what?

9/3 - Just because we can create a new genre of dystopian gross-out cinema doesn't mean that we should.

9/6 - Hanging out with my handsome long-lost stepcousin from West Philly.

9/7 - No idea what i dreamed but i woke up singing "Tower of Song." (Oh, wait! I dreamed that Bean put all of my various eyedrops in a pretty little bowl!)

9/9 - Termite invasion! So you can't stay here, I'm sorry.

9/10 - Ooh, my version of that Miami Vice episode is way (scarier, more feminist) better than the real one.

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Remember Who You Are (Two Doors and a Window, Part 5)
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

Remember Who You Are (Two Doors and a Window, Part 5)

When I moved from Tampa to Oakland in 2001, I refused to speak ill of Florida for many years. I had moved from New York to Tampa for college but ended up living there for 12 years — my late teens and all of my 20s — so what would speaking ill of the state say about me?

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Did That Go Through the Three Doors? (Two Doors and a Window, Part 4)
Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

Did That Go Through the Three Doors? (Two Doors and a Window, Part 4)

Breakfast came. Breakfast went. Parents scooped up my friends and my bullies and the boy I had a crush on. Lunch approached. I was the only kid without parents visiting. My father would come up to see the play in a few weeks. My mother was supposed to be there for Visiting Day.

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Stefanie Kalem Stefanie Kalem

Dogs Get Mad; People Get Angry (Two Doors and a Window Part 1)

As I have come to know my own anxiety, I have come to forgive myself for not writing every day. But I have never forgiven myself for not writing about my mother’s death. There are only the emotional records, never parsed with reasonable, processing fingers on the page.

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